Bowling League Tuneup 3.1 Contribution


Bowling League Tuneup 3.1 Contribution


If you find our product to be valuable and you want to help support our work, we will gratefully accept a suggested contribution of $20 or any other amount, smaller or greater, you want to give. Just set the quantity to the number of dollars you would like to contribute. THANK YOU!!! (Name and address are required for credit card security.)

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Bowling League Tuneup is the result of years of research and coding to finally bring some fairness to league bowling. The countless hours of work were completely uncompensated, and the software is being made available as freeware and without advertising. As a user of Bowling League Tuneup, you are under absolutely no obligation to pay a penny for it. But if you have found our product to be useful and you want to help support our work with a voluntary contribution, just set the quantity equal to the number of dollars you want to contribute. Unfortunately, our website won't let you make this "purchase" anonymously. We are extremely grateful for your support!!!